Evolving in a market in continuous ascension that shows clear needs for broadening and diversifying the range of services RadExpert consulting&management SRL ensures the high quality of the project management services and connexed to the realization of investments with private capital having as object:

The evolution of PIB in the period 2010 – 2020 (mld – RON)

  • Execution of works;
  • Development of software solutions;
  • The purchase / integration of equipment;
  • The development and integration of complex systems in the field of security (as a result of concrete requirements formulated by the institutions of the National Defense System public order and national security);
  • The preparation and presentation, as well as the management of the implementation of the commercial offers of the executors / providers / producers / distributors of works, goods and services participating in their own name or in association with public procurement procedures within the procedures regarding investments in equipping, modernizing, re-technologization of complex security systems at national level.

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