Are you a farmer? Do you have a business in the countryside? Do you own agricultural land and need to start or develop an initiative in rural areas? Start the road to receive grants with RadExpert. PNDR 2014 – 2020 – a program that grants non-reimbursable funds from the European Union and the Government of Romania for the economic and social development of the rural area in Romania.
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Assistance in drawing up the documentation needed to obtain funding under the Start-up Nation Program. RadExpert consulting & management experts will prepare the Business Plan and the related documentation necessary for the eligible beneficiaries to access the financing, while also ensuring their consultancy until the time of submission in order to obtain a maximum score. […]
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POR 2014-2020
RadExpert consulting & management SRL provides the full range of consulting services on project management and related services (including MySMIS operation) for all types of financing granted to public authorities and private companies through the priority axes of the Programului Operațional Regio (POR). Generally, POR 2014-2020 aims to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living […]
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Opportunities for 2020
IMPORTANT !!! Assistance in obtaining and implementing financing for SMEs in urban areas, or medium-sized enterprises in rural areas, worth a minimum of 200,000 euros and a maximum of 1 million euros, equivalent in lei, as regards: Creation of a new unit; Expanding the capacity of an existing unit; Diversification of the production of an […]
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How to build a successful business?
1. Do what you love Once you make the decision to open your own business you will need to invest a great deal of time and energy in its development, so it is very important that you enjoy what you do and find satisfaction in the activity you carry out. 2. Don’t start on your […]
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How is a successful Project Manager doing?
It is in our nature to want to achieve excellence and in this sense we intend to reveal a series of so-called “recipes for success”. A project manager must assert himself as a team leader, and in this sense the essential condition to determine others to follow you is to know where you are heading. […]
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