
Regional operational program (POR)

RadExpert consulting&management SRL provides the full range of consulting services on project management and related services (including MySMIS operation) for all types of financing granted to public authorities and private companies through the priority axes of the Programului Operațional Regio (POR).

The situation of absorption of POR at national level ( Mil – RON)

Total grants received from EC

Payments to beneficiaries

Generally, POR 2014-2020 aims to increase economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities, by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services, for the sustainable development of the regions, so that they can manage effectively. resources and to harness their potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress.
These objectives are translated into 11 priority axes (plus a technical assistance axis), which have a total estimated allocation of 8.25 billion euros, of which 6.7 billion euros represent EU support, through the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF), and 1.5 billion euros – the national contribution.
Assistance in obtaining and implementing financing for SMEs in urban areas, or medium-sized enterprises in rural areas, worth a minimum of 200,000 euros and a maximum of 1 million euros, equivalent in lei, as regards:
  • Creation of a new unit;
  • Expanding the capacity of an existing unit;
  • Diversification of the production of an existing unit;

List of eligible activity areas here!

Deadline for submission 04.06.2020 at 12:00!

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