The caracteristics of a Project Manager

April 10, 2020 Posted by: Category: ProjectManagement No comments

1. Task management, always at the top of the list!
According to the wikipedia site, “task management” is the management of the task throughout its entire life cycle. In this sense, you can use from a simple to-do list, to specialized project management software.

2. Effective Communication. Be succinct and clear!
Normally, a project manager spends most of his time in communication activities. However, for nothing you know what to do if you are unable to clarify your ideas and make your vision known. Be logical, succinct and clear!

3. Stakeholder management. Get confidence!
The dynamics of the projects are dizzying. You work in a “cascade” type and the more people involved in the project, the more important is stakeholder management. From identifying all those involved in the project to finding the needs and interests, as well as managing them is a long way. However, the better you calculate your steps, the easier you will make your life and the faster you will gain the shareholders’trust. Be convinced, the result will be tailor-made!

4. Change management. Be the change!
Regardless of the situation you are in, whether you are a project manager with a client or hold the same position with a supplier, one thing is certain. The project you are working on is about a change. This needs to be better managed, for the world to accept it and the result to be the expected one. Isn’t that how you learned from experience that you can implement the best product but if no one uses it, that doesn’t help anything? People need to be explained in their language, only they don’t have time to ask.

5. I bet on MS Project!
Planning is a sine qua non condition of the success of a project, especially since – we explained recently – it is the key with which you make your work easier! There are plenty of planning tools that can make your life easier, but my recommendation is not to look at others, but to look in the mirror. Think about who you are, what suits you and, above all, what your project is about!

6. Active Listening!
No matter how much control you want to hold and how much you want to assert yourself, the moment comes when it is important to listen and understand. Not the other, but besides the mouth, you have two ears! The larger the project and the more people are involved, the more important it is to understand what the other has to say, rather than becoming a broken gramophone, which takes up the whole discussion with one idea. Without a doubt, you also felt on your skin that, if more would understand what Active Listening means and not talk one over the other, maybe the sessions would take less and be more efficient. And this story takes you straight to … the next point.

7. Meeting management, or conducting meetings carefully!
Depending on the type of organization you work for or the type of client for which you are implementing a project, meetings, or rather, proper management and management of discussions, is vital. A well-organized meeting can make the difference between achieving goals and a total failure. As a stakeholder, you can have a happy team or an army of people convinced that you are… cabbage. There is, of course, the option for you to have a great idea, but if you do not speak “in the language” of the audience, colleagues will not understand exactly what you want.

8. Orient yourself to the result and be careful not to … miss it!

Sometimes, the direct orientation to the end result may seem like a cliché, but other voices argue that this strategy is a very pragmatic  perspective. Regardless of perception, it is vital to have a certain clear vision and no matter what area the wind blows, how it aligns … the stars and especially beyond how much weight they appear on the road, you must be able to finish the project as you proposed .

9. Status reporting!
Your report should not leave room for interpretation! Nobody works by themselves, so whenever you have to prepare a report for senior management, you need to focus on a few questions:

1 – What do I want to get from the next meeting?
2 – Did I write this intelligible?
3 – What subsequent reaction can be triggered?

The purpose of any status is to facilitate the understanding of the project and to make optimal decisions, so that things evolve. This is the target of your report! The “key” to solving the problem can be easier than you think. Ask yourself, every time: “What would I understand if I read this text?” For this reason, focus and create a report that will be interpreted correctly even if it is studied in your absence!

10. Problem solving (puzzle).
Defusing the crisis, a vital key!Well, I do not know what your perspective is, but when I think about … Project Management, the first thing that comes to mind is just a puzzled puzzle, created on the principle “you have not a clear idea about what it is, the project does not have an
immediate solution, is not easy, but even so you want to get involved! ”. Only, you must immediately realize that no matter how complicated the efforts are, there is always a solution, and if you know how to put the problem and bring the right people to the same table, the solutions will automatically appear.Talent to defuse crisis situations and solve problems is a vital key! Otherwise, no matter how well you plan your steps, no matter how clear your things may be, sooner or later something unexpected will come up that can hit you when your world is dearer.

11. Social – blending – flexible approach, or … be diplomat!
In life, there are situations in which the functions no longer matter and all that is important is summarized in the level of human relations. In short, either you convinced me before, or … I support you for the simple fact that I have a sympathy for you. Otherwise, I would have neither
the time nor the desire, so either I don’t help you, or I do it exactly when you don’t need it anymore. Have you never met such people before? Believe me, the world is full of them! However, the interaction with those around you, the ability to integrate into groups and the flexibility you demonstrate in trying to surround yourself with people of all kinds, all these “details” can make the difference just when, apparently , nobody has time for you or even initially did not intend to support you.

12. The pressure is normal. Face it!
In contemporary society, deadlines have become normal, especially when low budgets are almost a certainty. For this reason, the ability to cope with the pressure and to handle yourself in crisis situations is an essential condition of survival.There are difficult situations all the time and maybe even in your team, but the major difference between letting yourself be swollen and taking two steps back is:
• Awareness of the situation
• Acceptance of the situation
• Looking for the next steps, the strategy needed to advance the project

Well, if you can do this for those around you, not only for you, you are already in another league and you deserve congratulations!

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